
Languages: LV, RUS. ENG. Education:
Higher education in Business Management,
C-category sports expert
Certified deepWORK, TRX, NTC trainer.

Motto: In life everything is a variable.

I have been in the fitness industry since 2009; I have led different group classes, mostly paying attention to development of strength and endurance. I attend various seminars, courses of training to increase my qualifications regularly.
I form my lessons so that during the training time a person is thinking about training as much as possible, about the particular exercises, forgetting the everyday worries. I stress on the use of the person’s own body weight in the exercises. I give more time to the technically more difficult exercises so that each can perform at their own pace.
I am an empathetic person, and I always feel the energy of each person in the group and the energy of the whole group.
Sports are my daily life, my free time and my passion! It is a way to improve your well being, working capacity; it helps to get rid of daily tensions and stress, gives strength for new challenges and goals.

I prefer leisure in nature: it’s the best way to regain strength and energy. Often I try to combine it with a physical activity, such as cycling, swimming, running, walking. I love traveling and learning about other countries’ culture.

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