
Let’s bring a feeling of summer into the club with exciting team activities, great DJ music, enjoying the sense of unity, fighting spirit, and finish it with a great concert and grand awarding ceremony!


When: 21.07.2019

Where: MyFitness Galleria Riga

From – to: from 15.30 – 21.00

Team: 3 members

This event is suitable for all active persons, who prefer various sports activities and quality time with friends.

Participation in the event is possible only for teams, so start building your team and prepare for relays, team uniting disciplines, as well as individual disciplines.

You don’t have to be a professional athlete to participate. Disciplines will test your team’s:

  • sense of balance
  • precision
  • strength
  • speed
  • agility
  • sharpness of mind
  • overall spirit of the team

Points will be earned in each discipline, and teams with the highest number of points will be announced winners of the event.

The day will end with a rock band concert and an awarding ceremony.

It will be an unforgettable and athletic day! 🙂


📸 The event may be photographed and filmed; therefore, observing requirements of the GDPR, we are obliged to notify, that the photographed and filmed material may be used for advertising purposes on MyFitness social network accounts, website and elsewhere. By attending the event, you give your consent to taking photos and video shooting during the event, and public placement of such materials for advertising purposes. If you don’t want to be filmed or photographed during the event, please notify our photographer or operator, and if you want any published photo to be removed after the event, please contact us.


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