
В категориях Advanced и Intermadiate нужно уложиться в 15 минутах.


3 раунда:

  • 8x T2B (Toes to bar)
  • 12x Alternating Pistol Squats
  • 24x Double Unders

без перерыва 3 следующие раунды:

  • 8x Pull-Ups
  • 12x Alternating Pistol Squats
  • 24x Double Unders


6 раунда:

  • 12x Knee Raises
  • 12x Box Jump Overs
  • 48x Single Unders

VIDEO Advanced:


VIDEO Intermediate:



Toes to bar

Athlete starts by hanging from the pull-up bar with arms extended. Heels must be brought back behind the bar. The rep is credited when both feet contact the bar between the hands at the same time. Any part of the feet may make contact with the bar.


The athlete must start each rep with arms fully extended and feet off the ground. Any style of pull-up or grip is permitted as long as the requirements are met. The rep is credited when the athlete’s chin breaks the horizontal plane of the bar.

Alternating Pistol Squats

At the start and finish of each rep, athlete’s hips and knee of the working leg need to be extended. The non-working leg must remain in front of the body (cannot pass beyond profile). Holding on to the non-working leg is allowed. At the bottom, the hip crease must pass below the top of the knee on the working leg. If any part of the body other than the support foot touches the floor before lockout, the rep will not count. Athlete must alternate legs after every successful rep.

Double Unders

Athlete needs to jump to feet together. The rope passes under the feet twice for each jump.



Knee raises

Athlete starts by hanging from the pull-up bar with arms extended. Heels must be brought back behind the bar. The rep is credited when the athlete’s knees rise above the hips.

Single Unders

Athlete needs to jump to feet together. The rope passes under the feet once for each jump.

Box Jump Overs

The athlete starts with both feet on the ground on one side of the box. A lateral jump over the box (starting with the feet parallel to the box) IS allowed. The rep is credited when both feet have touched the ground on the opposite side of the box. From there, athlete may begin their next rep.

A two-foot takeoff is always required, and only the athlete’s feet may touch the box. After landing on the box, the athlete must step off or jump to the other side. A two-foot landing is required. There is no requirement to stand tall while on top of the box.



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